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Julia Bishop Frames Russia With No Evidence

1 min read

The last week has seen foreign minster Julia Bishop in the press accusing Russia of shooting down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine almost four years ago.

Julie Bishop says Russia has questions the answer and she’s indicated Moscow faces serious consequences from Australia.
Really? What would Australia do without the USA and UK supporting it….nothing.
Seems she is just virtue signalling to them.

Meantime Russia stated:
“No new anti-aircraft missiles crossed the border to Ukraine since 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed.”
“Thus, the only reason for the deliberate silence of the Dutch commission about the origin of the 1986 missile engine is that it more than probably belonged to the Ukrainian armed forces.” 

So dear Julia, please show us the evidence, many of us are a little jilted since all those politicians and experts seen evedence of WMDs including fake victim videos over the last years.



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